The date of your order collection with the date of submission of the return request should not exceed 14 calendar days. The packaging must not have been violated and must be in its original factory condition. Please note that return costs are borne by the customer. In addition, returns of products which do not present a problem are charged on the purchaser (shipping, handling, inspection costs). The return of the item is accepted, only if the purchaser has first paid off any amount charged on for sending the item to him/her and the cost of item return.

In the event that on delivery the item suffers complete or for the most part damaged packaging or in case the item is found to be defective, the customer must either not accept to collect the product from the very beginning or request its return after consulting optogiousmas

In case a product is considered defective upon delivery (DOA), its return will be charged on  In this case, the customer himself/herself can return the defective product either personally at our store or by sending it, optogiousmas will be charged with its collection costs; consultation with and the cooperating courier company should be preceded. The return of the products considered defective upon delivery (DOA) will be accepted within 7 calendar days from their delivery to the customer. At the same time the product should not be damaged and should have all the original documents that accompanied the product (e.g. ALP, DA etc.) and its complete packaging. The return address is:

In purchases with an invoice, if the customer wishes to make a return, the product must be accompanied by a delivery note.